Raha is India's First luxury Spring Mattress System..........Raha is the preffered brand of most of the wellknown Hotel chains.............Raha has furnished more than 3,50,000 hotels rooms worldwide

Different types of Mattresses

Cotton Mattress
Cotton Mattresses are hand-made by specialist mattress-makers. They are warm, soft, breathable and absorb body humidity. However they are somewhat outdated. They do not support the spinal column, easily lose their shape, require high and costly maintenance (the cotton needs to be combed and integrated at least once every two years) since, as they absorb body humidity, the cotton gets flat, loses its elasticity. Cotton mattresses are not recommended for people, who suffer from allergies, on account of their high susceptibility to invasion by dust mites.
Foam Mattress
Foam Mattress is made out of polyurethane foam which is produced in blocks and manufactured by continuous production, which is then cut into sizes as required. A good quality polyurethane foam is non-deformable (withstands severe deformation without breaking, and quickly returns to its original size) and therefore is very flexible (it adjusts to the weight, position and size of the person using it). It is a good insulator and hence is suitable in cool or cold climates. Foam mattresses may be used on all types of bed base.
Rubberized Coir Mattress
Rubberised Coir is an organic product as the important raw materials going into their manufacture are from rubber and coconut fibre. This product is bio-degradable and eco-friendly. This is the first consideration in its favour, especially when compared to its competitors like Foam and synthetic products. In the present day when environment and ecological considerations are top-most in every discerning person’s mind, it is only natural that all encouragements and incentives are to be given to increase its production and propagating its use everywhere.
Latex Mattress
Latex Mattresses are made out of natural latex which is secreted from the laticiferous system of the cortex of plants belonging to the Euphorbia family. Extensive use of this material since the beginning of the last century has created the need for mass-produced products similar to natural rubber. For industrial use, latex is produced in single-cell or double-cell blocks, and is either moulded or processed in continuous production. Latex mattresses support the body by responding to single points of pressure: this makes it more accommodating. It is a very elastic material (withstands severe deformation without breaking), resilient (it quickly returns to its original size) and is a good insulator, which makes it suitable for use in hot as well as cold climates.
Spring Mattress
Spring mattresses are the most widely used in the world today. Layers of padding and insulation are laid between springs and the outer covering to ensure a restful and comfortable position. These factors combined with quality and technology give rise to a range of products that may appear identical, but often are not. A spring mattress's structure facilitates internal aeration and provides effective support for the body, and is particularly suitable for people with a large build. It is hygienic and Its high level of breathability makes it ideal for use in areas that are particularly hot. In versions with removable covering and synthetic stuffing, it helps to prevent colonisation by dust mites. A spring mattress's response to weight covers large areas, and not only separate points of pressure.
Other Types
Apart from the above said mattresses which are common, there are water and Air mattresses also.


Spring Mattress , Pillow Top Mattress , Roll away beds ..........Spring Base , Platform Base.............Pillows , Mattress Protector , Duvets
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